Friday, May 25, 2012

Change it up- for Ultimate Success with a Home Based Business....

It is nearing June on the calendar which means as IBO's we are going to be working halfway on our revenue cycle for 2012 and for those not at the speed
one had hoped for let me remind you of some simple but Powerful words spoken by a man many would classify as a Genius:

"Insanity is doing the same things over and expecting different results."

Albert Einstein

If things are not running as expected it is time for an exam of yourself and your selling - or more importantly lack of - techniques.  It will hurt many from the ego standpoint but if you don't analyze you truly won't know and without knowing one will continue to repeat mistakes over and over.

Have you considered?

* Taping Yourself on calls

* Role Playing with your spouse or neighbor

* Digesting techniques from Art Sobczak at Business by Phone

The best golfers in the world are continually looking for ways to "tweak" their million dollar swings ... if it is good enough for them it should be good enough for EVERY Networking IBO !!

Joe Kruper

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Think of the Dating Game- when working with potential clients...

Relax Fellow Networking IBO's with 2yoursuccess24 ... I haven't opened up an Online Dating Site but wanted to lead into a column with a story I heard involving one of the great MLM Trainers who listened to some folks from a Personal Development Program reading their scripts used with Prospects.

The scripts were a series of five questions and that led to the "are you ready to join" question ... the Point of Comparison was Excellent and was  along these lines:

"How many of you guys are married?"

Most were and that led to the following: "So did you ask your wife to marry you on the first date?"

The point he was making was they were asking folks for a commitment when there were no real "feeling out" process ... remember that this is a People Business and in real life we play golf or go to dinner with others we feel comfortable with so try the same approach with Prospects and you will be one up with a good chunk of this industry !!

Joe Kruper

Monday, May 21, 2012

History Does Repeat Itself.....

The Industry we call our new Career Calling is defined by the success we are able to achieve with the Marketing Wars that have us on the Front Lines of Battle every day. I found an excellent article online recently that was written by Steven King and want to pass along to every networker as I think you will find this excellent piece to prove the old saying of "History Does Repeat Itself" in many ways applies to Individual Home Based Networking Operations.

The link - - with bullet points designed to give a quick overview:

What network marketers can learn from Julius Caesar's war in Gaul66
rate or flag

By Steven King

* Every seasoned network marketer knows the importance of maintaining momentum .. But what happens when your team loses momentum? How do you recreate that mental synergy within your team in order to give them that winning edge again?

* From 58 B.C. to 51 B.C., Rome fought a series of wars with Gaul (modern day France) known as the Gallic Wars. The Roman forces were commanded by Julius Caesar and The Gallic wars were long, bloody and taxing for both sides with the issue finally decided once and for all at the Battle of Alesia .. Caesar put on his armor and personally led 2,400 Roman soldiers into the thickest part of the battle.

Seeing their commander personally engage in battle caused an immediate revival of morale and inspiration among the Roman soldiers as watching Caesar cut down Gaul after Gaul with his own sword inspired the Roman troops to throw down their javelins, draw their own swords and charge the Gauls head on like they saw their leader do. This sudden revival of energy and ferocity by the Roman soldiers proved to be too much for the Gauls even though they outnumbered the Romans 4 to 1.

* So what the heck does all of that have to do with you re-building momentum within your team? The answer is – a lot. It’s always important for troops to see their commander personally engage in battle. There’s a huge difference between a commander who says “Charge!” and one who says “Follow Me!” When I was in the Marine Corps we called this “leading from the front.”

* As the leader your activity should include you getting in close like a sword fight and talking face-to-face with as many prospects as you can about your opportunity. They should see you personally doing tons of face-to-face presentations. This will encourage them to do the same. Of course you have distance weapons (javelins) in your arsenal such as Facebook, MySapce and email; however, nothing beats face-to -face interaction. Like the sword, it may be less comfortable for you, however, face-to-face interaction and personal presentations will always cause you to kill more of the enemy, or should I say, enroll more people into your business.

So, I said all of that in order to say this: In order to rebuild momentum within your team, get down from your siege tower and go personally kill some Gauls. Trust me, your network marketing army will thank you !!

Joe Kruper

Thursday, May 17, 2012

When Speaking with Prospects.... Think of PGA Tour Players..

Hoping with the calendar moving toward the halfway point of 2012 that everyone active with our great home based program called 2yoursuccess24 is on pace to having a year that will show up with plenty of gifts being distributed to friends and family during the Holiday Season .... and if not then hang tight and "pick the pace up" as you all have the talent but sometimes talent does take time to shine at the level we all wish for.

As most of you probably know the sport of golf ranks third on my list of passions in life (after my Great Family and our Great Program) and I was thinking about the Prospecting Part of our business while watching Matt Kuchar win the Players Championship last weekend in Florida.  I know you are all thinking that "Joe is really out to lunch" and I don't blame the initial comments but "after further review" here is why I found a similarity between what we do as a Networkers to grow our individual operations and the fellas who play for millions on the PGA Tour:

Golfers play four days covering 72 holes and is really a position gathering effort broken down by:

* The First Two Days are when they want to make the cut for the weekend .... just like we as Networkers on the initial and follow-up call wants to be able to "make the cut" with what the Prospect desires from their Checklist

* The Third Day on Saturday is known as "Moving Day" when Golfers get themselves in position to make a shot at the title on Sunday ... just like we as Networkers after the "screening process" want to be in position to have the Voice on the other end of the Phone have us on their final list

* The Final Day is Payday when all of their practice hours brings their ability to close under Pressure into full focus ... does that sound familiar fellow networkers?

The point is the Best Golfers in the world who play golf for a living know that 72 holes for them is like a marathon and each shot critical toward long term success .... the same should hold true for all of us as we work our list of individuals that are searching for a home based Opportunity.

Joe Kruper
703-898-5912 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 703-898-5912 end_of_the_skype_highlighting

Business Model: 2yoursuccess24

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Even the Greatest Finish Second......

Reality is a __itch in the Home Based Opportunity Industry as most folks active do not come for a sales background and that indeed is what this industry truly is as EVERY call involves some form of sales technique when interfacing with prospects.

OK .. so you have a cycle where you are "close but not close enough" and start to get down on yourself which is easy to do with the human makeup regarding how to handle defeat which leads into my trivia question based on the topic of coming up short:

* I am considered the Greatest Ever in this individual sport

* In our Major Tournaments I finished Second 19 times

* Those wondering who the individual is: JACK NICKLAUS

Think about one thing: 19 Times the man who won the Most Major Championships in the sport of Golf came up short .... and yet he never complained or made excuses and set an example of how we should all handle defeat and in Jack's case we need to remember as IBO's that sometimes our best shot is a shot that will come up short like Jack Nicklaus did 19 times in his Legendary Career.

Joe Kruper

Friday, May 11, 2012

Easy Game to win... Sell Yourself...

When you analyze Home Based Networkers here are some facts that no one can dispute:

1) They are a Solo Business Operation Owner

2) They pay for all marketing related expenses

3) They .. and only they ... make the call on all Marketing Decisions

So technically they are indeed CEO of their own operation which allows them to make a Solid Impression with prospects by just "tweaking" their opening introduction ... in this case the mythical figure is Bob Jones with a program called Excel Energy and let's look at the two different openers:

* "Hi ... this is Bob with Excel Energy .."

* "Hi ... this is Bob and I am CEO of Jones Energy Solutions .."

Which sounds more impressive?  Easy vote as it is the second and by using this approach one will create a different mindset with prospects and will be following the advice of Famed MLM Trainer Tim Sales who preaches to FIRST SELL YOURSELF !!!

Joe Kruper

Monday, May 7, 2012

Does your marketing include a "Call To Action"- approach??

Life is simple in some regards and one of those involves having the power to get others to do what you want ... the problem for folks that are active in the Industry known as Network Marketing fail to implement this approach in many areas of their operation covering Marketing to Conversations with the Prospect.

Think about a six year old child and their goal of getting Ice Cream from their Mommy as you and I know that child will do whatever it takes to get that bowel filled with the best from Ben & Jerry's in front of them and for those parents out there I know you can relate and agree.

Social Media, Printed Materials and Websites are all used by your Competition and on EVERY piece of Marketing there should be the following:

A CALL TO ACTION which can be something as simple as "Please Give Me Feedback" on your Email Communications to "I am looking to get a Yes or No Commitment by Friday ..." when talking with a Prospect which may seem Pushy but I would rather spend my time with folks that are in the SERIOUS range rather than those who are defined by the dreaded JUST CURIOUS status

Here is a special bonus to help you write crisp-clean ads-

Joe Kruper